  • 期刊


A Study of Christian Religious Worship Space: The Example of the Jin-Tek (Rende 仁德) Presbyterian Church in Taiwan




Behind every religious building standing in the world are the sacred experiences of human beings encountering God. Sacred space within buildings is usually the space where people worship God. For Christianity, sacred space is the chapel and the place to undertake worship practices. There are two types of sacred space-static and dynamic-that are interdependent. The existence of static space is contingent upon church buildings. The construction of Presbyterian church buildings and the configuration of sacred space are based on the main principles of simplicity and austerity, whereby spaces lack decorative adornments. The sacred feeling embodied by static sacred spaces is quite weak, and people who participate in worship in such spaces find it difficult to receive God's presence within chapels. On the contrary, the expansion of dynamic worship, namely the interactive exchange between God and people or the people themselves, where language and action become intertwined, better allows people to receive the presence of God. Through worship practices, static sacred space is transformed into dynamic sacred space by the process of worship, and in the expansion of the latter, people come to have religious experiences of encountering God.


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