  • 會議論文

運動賽會贊助效益之研究-以第二十九屆“MAZDA3 Sport威廉鐘斯杯國際籃球邀請賽”為例

A Study on Effect of Sport Event Sponsorship-Using the 29(superscript th) MAZDA3 Sport William Jones Cup International Basketball Tournament as an Example


運動贊助為近年運動行銷的新趨勢,而威廉鐘斯杯籃球賽在國內的舉辦已有近30年歷史,但卻少有贊助商如MAZDA連續贊助4年並有三屆為冠名贊助。故本研究目的在探討2007「第29屆MAZDA3 Sport威廉鐘斯杯國際籃球邀請賽」之贊助效益,並於比賽現場利用隨機偶遇便利取樣方式進行問卷調查,經統計分析後發現:1.僅有49.4%的觀眾能正確辨認出本屆鐘斯杯的冠名贊助廠商為MAZDA;2.僅有33.7%的現場觀眾有參與冠名贊助商之產品展示;3.關於比賽活動訊息來源,以從「電視報導」獲得訊息者為最多;其次為由網路電子媒體獲得訊息;4.觀眾對於鐘斯杯冠名贊助商(MAZDA)之整體形象與態度皆屬高度認同;5.不同性別、教育程度觀眾在冠名贊助商整體形象與態度上有顯著差異,而不同居住地、婚姻、年齡、職業、月收入觀眾在冠名贊助商整體形象與態度上則無顯著差異。


Sports sponsorship is a new trend in sports marketing. However, the William Jones Cup Basketball Tournament that has been held in Taiwan in the past three decades has seldom received sponsors such as Mazda that has been sponsoring this event for 4 years in a row and as a title sponsor for 3 years. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to discuss the sponsorship benefits of the ”29th Mazda 3 Sport-William Jones Cup International Basketball Tournament.” Our questionnaires were given out through random/convenient sampling at the basketball game, and the findings yielded by the analyses are as follows: 1. only 49.4% of the audience correctly identified the title sponsor as Mazda, 2. only 33.7% of the audience participated in the product demonstration by the title sponsor, 3. most of the audience learned about the sport event through ”TV coverage,” followed by ”online digital media,” 4. the audience highly identified with the title sponsor's (Mazda) overall image and attitude, and 5. factors such as the spectators' genders and educational background showed significant differences in terms of how they perceive the title sponsor's overall image and attitude, but factors such as the spectators' locations of residence, marital status, age, occupation, and monthly income showed no significant differences in this regard.
