  • 會議論文


The Study on the Leisure Activity Participation of the Elderly Living Alone in Yunlin County


台灣已進入高齡化社會,老人議題倍受重視。國內外相關研究均指出,休閒運動對一般民眾,尤其是老人的生命品質有正面的影響。因此,在老化現象嚴重、「獨居老人」人口比例偏高的雲林縣,觀察「弱勢中的弱勢族群」獨居老人休閒活動參與的現況及未來發展,對人口急速老化的當前台灣而言,應有正面的價值與意義。本研究旨在了解目前雲林縣獨居老人休閒活動參與之情形,以及不同背景變項的獨居老人的休閒活動參與之差異情形。研究以雲林縣六十五歲以上之獨 居老人為研究對象,比例抽樣進行樣本選取,並以結構式問卷為研究工具,採面對面訪談方式收集資料。總計發出問卷600份,回收575份,有效問卷561份,有效率達97.57%。研究結果顯示: 一、本研究獨居老人有以下之特質:女性較多數、65~75歲者為多數、教育程度偏低、健康狀況不佳、主要經濟來源多為政府救助或津貼、多數經濟能力不佳。 二、在個人背景變項中,性別、年齡、教育程度、健康狀況及經濟狀況等變項,對其休閒活動參與情形是有達到統計的顯著相關與差異性。 最後就研究結果進行綜合討論,並提出相關建議。期望研究結果據以提陳老人休閒活動推展相關政策上,以供有司參考。理想盼望獨居老人透過休閒活動的參與,有助於提升其幸福感,達到個人成功老化的目標。


The issue of the elder becomes more and more important in the aging society today. All related researches indicate that leisure activities have positive effects on the qualities of our living, especially on the qualities of the elderly living. Accordingly, it will be of great value to observe the current and future development that the elderly living alone participate in the leisure activities for the aging society in Taiwan, especially in Yunlin country where the phenomenon of aging society gets more serious and there are more and more old people living alone. The purpose of the study is to inquire about the present situation of the leisureactivity participation of the aged living alone. Meanwhile, we discuss the differences of leisure activity participation among the elderly living alone from various backgrounds in the research as well. The samples are the elderly living alone who are over sixty-five years old in the research. The samples are selected by random sampling with a certain scale. Data is collected by questionnaire survey and through interviews. There were 600 questionnaires completed and 575 returned; there were 561 out of 575 (or 97.57%) were valid. The results indicate that: 1. The elderly living alone have some common characteristics as follows. Most of them are female, aging from sixty five to seventy five, uneducated, in bad health and wealth, succored by the government. 2. There are significant correlation and differences in leisure activity participation with different backgrounds-genders, ages, education levels, health status, and incomes. After the discussion based on the findings and conclusions, this study also provides suggestions for further researches and some policies of promoting leisure activities for the elderly. It is expected to increase the sense of wellbeing and achieve the goal of successful aging through the leisure activity participation of the elderly living alone.


