  • 會議論文


Research on Private Day-Care Center Workers' Process of the First Time Cooperative Teaching


本研究為私立托兒所教保人員初次合作教學歷程研究,以一對教保人員為對象,進行觀察與半結構訪談,藉此了解教保人員在初次合作教學歷程中的形成方式與組合關係、以及其所關注焦點,進而提供相關建議。研究結果發現如下: (一)兩位教保人員形成方式為所長指派,經過一段時間觀察與探索後,使彼此初次合作教學更為謀合。 (二)兩位教保人員為主助教模式;會隨著活動內容差異呈現短暫雙主教方式。教保人員會相互扶持,隨時關心教室整體動態。 (三)兩位教保人員共同關注焦點為幼兒方面、與課程設計方面。在教學進行與家長溝通方面,為主教特別關注之焦點。在輔助教學,教室清潔方面,則為助教特別關注之焦點。 最後,根據上述研究發現,提供教師以下建議: (一)主動溝通成為初次合作教學成功之鑰。 (二)關心彼此動態相互扶持,必要時打破現有組合關係。


The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore two private day-care center workers' process of their first time cooperative teaching. In addition, the researcher explored the relationships of these two workers and their concerns in the process. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were used for data collection. Thematic analysis was applied to analyze the data. Research participants included two private day-care center workers. The findings of this research were summarized as follows: (1) Two private day-care center workers were formed by their center directors. Two day-care center workers had positive cooperative relationship after a short time; (2) The style of two private day-care center worker's combination was primarily lead and assistant teaching Two day-care center workers helped each other in the process of the first time cooperative teaching, and cared about the changes in the classroom; (3) Two day-care center workers concerned the children's learning and designed curriculum together. The lead day-care center worker paid more attention in teaching and communication with parents. The assistant day-care center worker paid more attention to nursery. Finally, based on the above findings, the following suggestions are made for day-care center workers: (1) The key element to build the successful first time cooperative teaching experiences was that co-workers communicate with each other initiatively. (2)Two day-care center workers helped each other in the process of the first time cooperative teaching, and cared about the changes in the classroom. It was necessary for two day-care centers to break the lead and assistant roles in some situations.


