  • 會議論文


Joint Angle and Incline Angle Analysis of Tug-of-War-A Case Comparative Study between Different Level Pullers


本研究主要針對不同等級拔河選手動作之關節角度和傾斜角度進行個安比較,進而了解不同技術水準的選手在拔河技術上的差異。在實驗中,一名曾經獲得亞洲盃拔河第三名之女子選手(優秀選手)和一名具有社團比賽經驗的女子選手(初級選手)爲受試者,使用含6部M2高速攝影(取樣頻率爲120Hz)的VICON動作分析系統進行動作拍攝,最後則以Mathcad 14數學計算軟體進行計算與分析。結果顯示:1.在動作過程中選手髖、膝和踝關節會先屈曲後伸展。其中優秀選手髖關節會先屈曲至126.80±6.87度後再伸展至178.46±1.74度;而初級選手則先屈曲至99.27±3.39度後再伸展至178.02±3.35度。膝關節部分,優秀選手會先屈曲至99.27±3.39度後再伸展至178.02±3.35度。膝關節部分,優秀選手會先屈曲至107.30±4.01度後再伸展至151.90±4.66度;而初級選手則先屈曲至110.44±1.96度後再伸展至170.47±2.77度。踝關節部分,優秀選手會先屈曲至108.47±1.96度後再伸展至170.47±2.77度。踝關節部分,優秀選手會先屈曲至108.47±2.31度後再伸展至128.09±1.44度;而初級選手則先屈曲至114.89±1.34度後再伸展至138.46±2.71度。由上述角度值可知優秀選手關節角度變化雜較小;然而對照文獻後卻發現優秀選手處於較佳之關節角度,能夠使其在短暫的時間內産生較大之力量。2.在傾斜角度方面,優秀選手會由動作開始的68.59±5..80度後仰,進而降低至51.92±3.29度。而初級選手則由80.20±2.86度後仰,進而降低至57.73±2.65度。由此結果可知,優秀選手後仰變化的幅度雖然較小,但是卻能夠後仰至較爲傾斜的角度,進而有利於水平拉力的發揮。


拔河 關節角度 傾斜角度


This study was focused on a case comparison of joint angle and incline angle analysis of tug-of-war between different level pullers. Progressively, the technique diversity between different level pullers could be comprehended. In experiment, an elite female puller ever getting a bronze medal in the Asian cup of tug-of-war (elite puller) and a female puller owning association ompet1ng experience (entry-level puller) were recruited as subjects VICON motion analysis system containing six M2 high speed cameras (sampling rate was set at 120Hz) was used to film movement. Lastly, Mathcad 14 was used to compute and analyze data. Results showed. (1) In the pulling process, the puller's hip, knee and ankle joint were extending and then flexing. Lute puller’s hip joint was flexing to 126.80°±6.87° and then extending to 178.46°±1.74°. Entry-level puller's joint was flexing to 99.27°±3.39° and then extending to 178.0±23.35°. As for the knee joint, elite puller was flexing to 107.30°±4.01° and then extending to 151.90°±4.66°. Lntryleve1 puller was flexing to 110.44°±1.96° and then extending to 170.47°±2.71°. In the part of ankle joint, elite puller was flexing to 108.47°±2.31° and then extending to 128.09°±1.44°. Entry-level puller was flexing to 114.89°±l.34° and then extending to 138.46°±2.71°, Basing the above-mentioned results and referring papers as contrast, we could understand elite pu1le was placed in better joint angle, and furthermore could release bigger power while the joint angle variation of elite puller was smaller. (2) As for the incline angle, elite puller's angle was 68.59°±5.8° in the beginning and then decreasing to 51.92°±3.29° due to the backward tilt of the puller. Entry-level puller's angle was 80.20±2.86° at beginning and decreasing to 57.73°±2.65° at end. By these results, we could understand elite puller can tilt her upper body more and then he advantageous to dee1op the horizontal pulling force although the elite puller's changing range of backward tilt angle was smaller.


Tug-of-War Joint Angle Incline Angle


