  • 會議論文


The Successful Experience of Athlete's Study and Influence Factor are Probed into


「頭腦簡單,四肢發達」是運動員形象的一種汙衊。國民體育季刊(1984)會以「我國運動員的生活、學業及職業問題」爲中心論述,引起學術單位對運動員學業的廣泛討論,更推動該議題獲得重視。是以,本文採質性研究,目的在瞭解運動員學業的成功經驗及其影響因素。以四位具有學業成功經驗的運動員作爲研究對象,藉由個人深入訪談法(in-depth interview)蒐集研究資料。結果發現:運動員學業的成功經驗,並非都來個人興趣,主要源於自己的努力與不服輸的精神,並對學業的付出感到肯定;而運動員學業的影響因素則包含個人因素、重要他人因素、環境與制度因素等,更由各層面因素中,牽引出不同學業經給之脈絡。最後,依據研究發現和反思,將所得到的教育與管理的啓示,提供相關單位與未來研究之參考。


學生運動員 質性研究 學業


'the simple-minded, four limbs the developed' slander each of athlete image. National sports quarterly (1984) Have regarded' the life, study no job question of the athlete of our county' as the centre to describe, cause the academic unit to promote this topic to be paid attention to even more to the exte1sive discussion of athlete's study. It is Israel, this literary grace quality studied, the purpose is to find out about the successful experience of athlete's study and influence factor. As the research object with four athletes with successful experience of study, deepen the interview method (in-depth interview) with individual Collect and study the materials. Found finally. The successful experience of athlete's study, does not come from the personal interest, come horn one's own efforts and sprit of refusing to take defeat lying down mainly, and feel definite to the paying of study, The influence factor of athlete's study includes personal factor, important others' factor, the environment and system factor etc of the factor, is it happen different study train of thought of experience to draw by every aspect Finally, and review according to the finding, the education that will gel and enlightenment of management, offer relevant unit and reference of studying the future.


Student's athlete quality research study


