  • 會議論文


Analysis of Narrative Counseling Process of Sexual Abuse survivors-Adolescent Girls in Halfway House as Example




The aim of this study is to explore counseling experience and transformation process of the sexual abuse adolescent girls who receive narrative psychotherapy. The participant is a fourteen-year-old adolescent girl who lived in a halfway house. She received continuous 14-time counseling interview with the counselor during six months. The transcript of counseling interview and the reflection from research team are analyzed by the method of holistic-content perspective of narrative research. This analysis is used to explore what kind of experience and process of survivor's recovery and what kind of the cooperation and dialogue space in order to nurture her self-esteem.The results of this study show that: (1) trustful dialogue space and counseling relationship can be expanded through counselor's respect and acceptance, (2) counseling interview can broaden and enrich the participant's multidimensional understanding, acceptance and interpretation of her self-esteem, and (3) counselor and the participant co-rewrite the trauma story and endow it with meaning. The research process demonstrates that: (1) The participant originally had powerlessness and helplessness; however, she gradually took her own power of control over the voice of life, (2) the participant became from being silent on experience to being active to narrate and gradually took back intact experience and feeling of life, and (3) regarding survivors as subjects is the significance of cooperation with the halfway house; moreover, re-establishing stable and safe physical and psychological environment is also important.Finally, the researcher also provides concrete suggestions for counseling profession and halfway house based on the research result.


