  • 會議論文


The Use of Brand Management on School's Sports Team


社會發展越成熟,品牌效應越趨於明顯,教育經營多元化、市場化的潮流儼然已經成形。推展學校中的品牌管理策略,使學校發展更具特色,並吸引優秀學生就讀,提升教師對學校之認同感,此爲目前學校經營管理之新趨勢。因此將品牌管理與經營的理念匯入運動代表隊之中應用,使其團隊可以更有效的運作以及增加學校外部及內部資源的注挹。 本文旨在瞭解如何透過學校運動代表隊的品牌管理流程,塑造出代表隊之品牌個性與價值所在,有效達到組織內部人員對於其團隊的忠誠度及支持度之提升,組織外部則可透過品牌經驗的累積做出有效的市場區隔化,在爾後品牌延伸中進行品牌效應的加強,以達到更多資源注挹,使學校與運動代表隊互利共生,並讓大眾能夠產生有效的品牌連結,達到學校運動代表隊之品牌形象提升。


The maturity of social development brand effect been acknowledged in obvious ways the education management is in position have resulted the marketability tidal. The emerging trend of school management has been classified as the brand management strategies of the promoting schools bring features to the organization, therefore it creates attractions for extraordinary students while levitating the sympathy of the teachers. In that case, the application of brand management to school's sports team will facilitate the team work and create more resources for the organization internal and externally. This text is for the purpose of understanding how the brand personality and value can be created via its managing process, and effectively achieve better loyalty and supports with the members. Outside of the organization, it is expected to receive more external resources by accumulate the brand experiences, effectively identify the market and strengthened brand effect. This will eventually be beneficial mutually and result better brand connection, as well as improving the brand image of school's sports team.
