  • 期刊


Students' Participation in Recreational Sports Strategy Analysis




The objective of our research is to understand if the sports activity is one of the college student's leisure options by analyzing the multiple studies. Our primary focuses include whether the college students consider the sports activities as leisure activity, what leisure benefits the sport activity brings them and what obstacles they may encounter during sports participation, any motivations to choose sports as their leisure than the other options, what types of sports they prefer, and what their experiences are with sports. Applying SWOT's method to analyze the future trend of college students' sports related leisure activity, we propose the followings for the colleges or any organizations to promote the sports activity to the college students as their leisure activity. Our research show that their financial status, the gender difference, individual interests, individual capability, personal satisfaction, understanding, support from family and peers, availability of facility, and internet networks are all the influencing factors for one to participate or not in sport activities as their leisure. We suggest the followings to promote/ encourage the sport activity: 1) Develop the sport activity social club to promote the participation, 2) publicize the benefits of sport activity and provide counseling services to answer individual concerns, 3) Understand the influence of their peers or organization and promote activities suitable for group's participation, 4) provide the sport classes and faculty to educate the students how to participate and what to experience from sport leisure activity, 5) establish the acknowledgement and appropriate values of sport activity individually and multidimensional, 6) Include leisure sports in the competitive sport events nationally and locally to encourage the participation from everyone.


張梅香(2009)。觀賞校內體育競賽後對自我運動參與及 自覺健康狀況之影響研究 -以台中地區女大學生為例證〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1111200915521350
