  • 會議論文


Establishing the Fuzzy-AHP Decision Model of Environmental Management System Implementation


基於ISO 14001對企業永續發展與環保使命之重要性,本文擬建立環境管理系統決策模式以探討企業有限資源有效投入系統之問題。運用模糊層級分析法(FAHP),整合產、官、學界專家之意見。建立探討決策架構並分析各層級及關鍵因素之相對重要性。研究發現環境管理系統程序層級之重要性依序爲「環境政策」,「規劃」,「實施與運作」,「檢查與矯正」及「管理階層審查」等構面,惟就環境管理系統持續改善之精神而言,各程序之重要性不宜被過度強調或忽視。「高階主管支持」、「政策內容」、「自然環境考量」、「組織之適切性」、「監督與量測」、「法規認知度」及「政策宣導」等七項被視爲應優先執行之關鍵因素。其中,「高階主管支持」最爲重要,而「文件化管理」之重要性易被忽略。建議企業管理者應展現支持之誠意並積極參與以利推行環境管理系統。


This study presents a decision model of environmental management system Implementation to explore the problem that how enterprise's resources should be allocated in the system to achieve ISO 14001 certification. Integrating professional opinions of experts and scholars by FAHP technique, we establish a hierarchical structure of the decision model and analyze the comparative importance between processes and factors in the model. To Implement the ISO 14001 system, we found that priorities of processes, such as policy, plan, do, check and action are in a descending order, and the support of executives, policy content, natural environmental aspect, organization relevance, monitoring and measurement, regulations awareness and policy advocacy are the key factors. The support of executives has been think as the most important factor and the executives should show theirs willingness to keep the system sustainability developing.
