  • 會議論文


Factors affecting the purchase intention of automobiles


要奪走市場上搶佔一席之地,增加顧客購買意願對於企業是非常重要的,能夠讓舊顧顧持續來消費,這才是企業真正的獲利所在(Kotle, 2000)。因此,本研究主要是想瞭解企業形象、產品創新以及服務品質三變數對於顧客價值的影響,及顧客價值對購買意願的影響,除此之外加入服務涉入為干擾變數且為正向影響。由研究結果可以發現企業形象、產品創新及服務品質對顧客價皆有顯著正向影響,顧客價值對購買意願有顯著正向影響;顧客價值在企業形象、產品創新、服務品質與購買意願之間,具有部份中介效果存在;服務涉入正向干擾企業形象、產品創新及服務品質對於顧客價值的影響性,服務涉入正向干擾顧客價值對於購買意願的影響性。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議。


How to increase the willingness of customers purchasing is very important for the company. It can make the old customers continue to consume and generate the real profit for the company. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand the impacts of corporate image, product innovation and service quality on the customers and then impact of customer value on purchase intention. Furthermore, service involvement moderates the relationships among corporate image, product innovation, service quality and purchase intention individually. The results found that corporate image, product innovation and service quality have a significant positive impact on customer price, and customer value has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. There is a partial moderating effect; service involvement is positively moderates corporate image, product innovation and service quality on customer value, and service involvement is positively moderating with the influence of customer value on purchase intention. Based on the research results, this study proposes relevant recommendations for academic and business.
