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A Analysis on Measures of Effectiveness in Military Disaster Relief Operations Using DEMATEL


軍方在國內救災回應中所扮演的是支援民間當局的角色,對指揮救災的指揮官和部隊來說,這些救災行動代表重大的挑戰,要對進行中的軍方救災行動提供效能評估,並不事件容易的事。但是,這類效能指標評估(Measures Of Effectiveness, MOEs)所提供的洞察力是很重要的,它能讓指揮官制定出更掌握情況的決策,並提供給指揮官和部隊以盡可能有效率和有效能的方式,完成他們的任務。本研究利用專家問卷藉以找出指標之間的相互影響關係,再使用 DEMATEL來計算整體經過回饋後之直接與間接關聯度,並且可得效能指標間之因果關係,以協助選擇關聯性較大的指標。就D+R(關聯度)而言,最重要的MOE是「F指管機制」,而不是「A理解災區狀況」,主要原因乃是因為軍事救災行動的指揮與管制是維繫整體救災秩序與運作的重要神經系統,它端賴救援組織系統與層級完整、授權劃分明確且具彈性、通信多元化與暢通、協調機制完整等諸因素的建立與配合,方能完成救援行動。另就D-R(影響度)而言,最重要的是「A理解災區狀況」,而不是「F指管機制」,主要原因乃是對各種基本環境的瞭解程度等各方面因素,影響指揮官對當前情勢的判斷,故必须透過通信網絡與偵察手段的運用,方能有助對當地即時狀況的掌握,提供指揮官下達決心的參考。


The military in domestic disaster response is to play the role that supported the civil authorities. Disaster relief operations represented the major challenge to conduct the military relief operations in the performance assessment and it is not easy events for command and troops of disaster relief. However, the performance metrics (Measures Of Effectiveness, MOEs) provided important insight that it allowed commanders to develop a better decision-making, and made available to commanders and troops as possible in an efficient and effective way as they could complete their tasks.Expert used the questionnaires to find out the relationships between indicators, and use DEMATEL to calculate the direct and indirect correlation after the overall feedback, and then might have causal relationship between the performance indicators to assist in the selecting the relatively high correlation indicators In this study. To D+R (correlation), the most important thing is ”MOE F, command and control mechanism” rather than ”MOE A, understanding of disaster situation”. The reason is the military command and control of relief operations is the importance nervous system that maintain the overall disaster order and operation. It depends on the complete relief organizations system and levels, the clear and flexible authorization, the diversified and smooth communication and coordination mechanisms of various factors such as the establishment of a complete cooperation to complete the rescue operation. As to D-R (influence), the most important thing is ”MOE A, disaster situation understanding” rather than ”MOE F, command and control mechanism”. The reason is that the command officer was affected to determine the current situation by the level of understanding of basic environmental and other factors. Therefore it must be through the means of communication networks and surveillance, and could grasp the local situation at once to provide a reference for commanders making decision.
