  • 期刊


Improved Nursing Care for Radiation Dermatitis on an Oncology Ward




Accurate evaluation and care by the nursing staff is necessary to reduce the extent of radiation dermatitis and promote wound healing. The purpose of this project was to improve the understanding and skills of the nursing staff on an oncology ward in dealing with radiation dermatitis. The study period was from July 1 to July 20, 2007. An initial assessment indicated that only 63% of the staff accurately recognized radiation dermatitis and only 58.2% demonstrated appropriate skills in managing it. These deficits were addressed by establishing clear standards of care; a method for evaluating nursing skills; and professional training, including use of a technical education video and dressing manuals. After institution of these measures, 88.1% of the staff accurately assessed radiation dermatitis and 93.4% used appropriate skills in caring for it. The nursing care standards and professional training used in this project succeeded in raising the standard of nursing care for radiation dermatitis on this oncology ward.


dermatitis wound care radiotherapy
