  • 期刊


Perioperative Care of a Patient Undergoing Subtotal Thyroidectomy




A 40-year-old man underwent subtotal thyroidectomy for non-toxic nodular goiter and thyroid cancer. I cared for the patient for 6 days as a member of the nursing staff in an operating room. I collected data through observation, listening, conversations, reading the medical record, and assessing the patient's physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual dimensions. Prior to surgery, the patient was anxious and didn't understand much about the anesthesia and surgical procedure themselves. His family members had similar concerns. During the surgery, physical issues included impairment of skin integrity, the uncomfortable position the patient needed to maintain throughout the procedure, and the potential for burns from electrocautery. Postoperatively, there was pain as the anesthesia and analgesia wore off. The nursing process included preoperative visits to build good interactive relationships with the patient and his family. During surgery, attention was paid to maintaining safety. Postoperatively, I provided health education and followed up with post-discharge telephone interviews. This comprehensive perioperative nursing improved the patient's ability to care for himself and recover quickly to his former state of good health.
