

作業研究(operations research)為實務上進行決策問題分析的重要基礎方法,在工業工程(industrial engineering)領域中(尤其是製造領域)發展與應用極深,而近年來除工業工程領域外,更有擴大應用的趨勢,如交通工程、公共政策、醫療管理等領域,皆視作業研究方法為解決相關決策問題重要技術之一;此外由於大數據時代的來臨,且隨著電腦的發展與運算能力的快速提升,使得作業研究方法成為現今解決各領域中所面對的實務問題中不可或缺的必要工具。作業研究的領域乃是透過計量或系統方法以分析實務領域所面對的決策問題,因此,針對指定「系統」透過作業研究方法作出「決策」是本文章針對作業研究過去與未來的主軸,本文將首先針對分權式系統及其基礎方法-賽局理論等過去相關研究進行回顧;接著探討製造議題與作業研究之關聯,並延伸至近年來相當關注之議題-「智慧製造」;以及探究現今政府相當重視的前瞻建設中的交通部分,作業研究方法與理論對於「軌道建設」的事前評估與事後管理可提供相關的決策依據;最後介紹多準則決策方法的回顧與發展歷程。根據前述說明作業研究方法的發展與應用外,最終目的還是必須回到作「決策」的考量依據;簡而言之,目前作業研究方法在各領域的發展與應用皆有良好的成效,而本文除說明作業研究在各領域實際成功的應用或方法發展外,並針對近年科技與國家政策等外部環境發展給予未來研究建議,可提供包含數學、統計與機率、工程、行為科學、心理學與社會學等各領域專家,根據其專長與智慧分別以不同角度以作業研究方法檢視並解決所面對的問題,讓作業研究學科的發展及應用更為完整。


Operations research is a useful tool to deal with decision-making problems in industrial engineering. Nowadays, in addition to industrial engineering, operations research is widely applied in the fields of transportation, public policy, and medical science when solving decision-making problems. With the growing of big data and computer sciences, to model and solve practical problems with decision making plays a critical role in operations research. In usual, a decision-making problem is quantified and systemized by mathematical models. From the perspective of systematical model, this paper reviews the development of operations research and further discusses the possible issues to be studied in the future. First, a decentralized system with game theory is reviewed. Second, possible tools in operations research are introduced for smart manufacturing and railway transportation systems. Third, multiple criteria decision-making problem is discussed. In sum, theoretical and practical topics related to decision-making problem are comprehensively studied in this paper. Furthermore, potential issues to be studied in the futures are summarized for scholars in the expertise of operations research.


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