  • 期刊


Status and Trend Analysis of Digital Transformation for Smart Business - The Case Examples of Smart Retailing




Digital transformation is a changing and renewal process that companies, in order to maintaining their competitiveness in the marketplace, must carry out constantly adopting advanced information technologies and innovative business models. Thus, it is important to understand the status and trend of digital transformation (DT) in any given industry or enterprise while developing effective DT strategies. This research investigates 65 cases of smart business DT project reports (2017~2020), as valuable document source, to identify the business categories and their DT classifications. Deploying technology mining techniques (including text mining, data mining and machine learning modeling methods), this study analyzes Taiwan's smart business development trends, critical DT technology adoption, and successful cases in their respective industries. Further, the DT case examples of four smart retailors are depicted and compared in detailed analysis. The research outcome helps companies and industries understand the status quo of DTs for businesses, key case references, and future strategies of DT for smart business developments across industries.


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