  • 期刊


Responses of Formosan Alder and Roxburgh Sumac to Main Environmental Stresses of Disturbed Land




Two pioneer tree species of disturbed land, Formosan alder and Roxburgh Sumac, were chosen to test their eco-physiological responses to environmental stresses, especially to long term drought stress. After drought acclimation, the light saturation point of Roxburgh Sumac was increased while Formosan alder was not, but the optimum photosynthetic temperature was increased for two species. In low leaf temperature, the relative net photosynthetic rate of Formosan alder was higher than that of Roxburgh Sumac, that implied the former was more adaptable growing at low temperature. The stomatal responses of Formosan alder was more sensitive than that of Roxburgh Sumac during the process of water withholding. The leaf stomatal response of drought acclimated individual of two species was less sensitive than that of non-stress individuals, that showed the abilities of drought resistance got increased. The leaf chlorophyll fluorescence responses of long-term drought stress were differ from non-stress individuals. Besides, on the root pulling out testing, the photosynthetic recovery capacity of Formosan alder is better than Roxburgh Sumac, that showed Formosan alder was more suitable to live at disturbed land.
