  • 期刊


Multilevel Governance to Integrate Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Policies: a Large-Scale Landslide Area in Shi-Ding District, New Taipei City as an Example


越來越多研究指出氣候變遷與減災之間具有重疊的目標與相似的策略,然而融合的過程中卻有一定的挑戰,2013聯合國國際減災策略組織(United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)」在關於實施兵庫行動綱領(Hyogo Framework)建議的國家級進展的報告提到「幾乎所有國家都報告難以將氣候變化適應措施納入國家減災(DRR, Disaster Risk Reduction)政策(Seidlera et al., 2018)。大部分的研究認為最大的困難在於兩個領域有各自獨立的行政推動架構,兩者行政推動框架之間資訊並不流通。此外,自然災害風險管理研究已從過去的危害議題發展至重視脆弱性與人為因素,災害風險不再只是或然率或是發生度的問題,轉向更複雜的系統方法,包括政治和社會層面之間的關係,以產生更廣泛的系統觀點與協同、持續和負責任地管理災害風險的新策略。本文著重多層級間的能力評估與環境負荷間的關係,以氣候調適路徑法為工具,進行減災與調適融合過程之研究,並嘗試提出在調適路徑法進行過程中同時評估多層級治理能力的方法,以規劃出最適路徑。研究案例以新興危害-大規模崩塌為實例,採用「多層級治理評估結合調適路徑法」進行示例,三條融合調適路徑,說明如何在潛在轉乘點時,應重新進行各層級治理能力評估,以找到最適路徑。


Numerous scholars have argued that climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) have overlapping goals and similar strategies. However, the process of integration tends to encounter particular challenges. Most studies have claimed that the paramount difficulty was attributable to the two frameworks having their own independent administrative promotion structures. The implementation of climate policy has been greatly affected by multilevel governance (MLG). In the process of integrating DRR and CCA, MLG capability and the interrelationships between its various levels are important. The study presents the case of an emerging large-scale landslide hazard. In this study, we present an application of MLG and CCA to the large-scale landslide area in Shi-Ding District, New Taipei City. Considering the CCA pathway method as a tool and taking an emerging landslide hazard as an example to illustrate the relationship between multilevel capability assessment and environmental load. Besides, to minimize the systemic risk of internal conflicts, the capacity between the various levels must be considered to coordinate internal strategy formulation.


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