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UAV-Assisted Investigation of Vulnerable Sediment Areas at an Irrigation Water Inlet and Potential Disaster Analysis




The irrigation water inlet of the Qishan first-canal waterway is a central agricultural water resource facility in the Qishan district of Kaohsiung City in southern Taiwan. The inlet was buried by masses of debris during Typhoon Morakot, which landed in Taiwan in 2009. In an attempt to reduce the effects of natural hazards on agricultural lands and hydraulic engineering, an unmanned aerial system (UAS) was used to investigate the stream water inlet of the Qishan first-canal waterway for potential sediments and analyze areas vulnerable to hazards. The results of the analysis revealed that the inlet was located downstream of the Qishan River and that numerous sediments from debris flows, riverbank landslides, and natural dams flowed downstream. The inlet can be buried in sediment and clogged by floodwood, and the hyperconcentration of sediments cause the water to be untakable. A designated water collection gallery for taking the subsurface water connecting to the waterway should be created to maintain the water volume during dry seasons.


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