  • 期刊


Landscape Aesthetics Quality Estimation Method for Check Dams-Application of the Fuzzy Logic System


防砂壩為集水區重要之橫向構造物,目的為減輕上游土砂問題對下游人類生活環境影響,其設置常對自然環境生態及視覺景觀造成一定程度衝擊。本研究回顧景觀評估相關文獻後,以專家模式常用之造型、色彩、質感等因子為防砂壩體美學主要構成要件,輔以心生理模式中景觀美質評估法(SBE)之照片評估方法,做為景觀美質評估之基礎,將其內容藉由德菲法(Delphi Method)及層級分析法(AHP)建構專家問卷,刪減不必要之因子,訂定防砂壩景觀美質評估之初步基準與權重,再以模糊專家系統(Fuzzy Logical System)建置為一完整評估模式,最後以三個案例進行測試,初步結果證明該模式具專家模式之節省時間之優點,亦兼具生心理模式之客觀性,希望成果能提供工程設計者在考量防砂壩體與自然環境景觀融合時之設計參考。


The check dam is one of the primary constructions across rivers in watersheds. Its main purpose is to decrease the effects of sediment yield from upper areas to lower areas populated by human beings and buildings. However, the existence of these dams usually runs counter to the natural ecological environment and visual landscape. Based on the three major elements of check dam formation-form, color and texture- which are derived from the expert model- this study aims to determine the evaluation criteria and weight for the landscape aesthetics quality of check dams with the Delphi Method, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and expert questionnaires. It further combines the Fuzzy Logic System to establish the evaluation model. Three cases were used to test our model, and the preliminary results showed it had the advantages of both the expert and psychophysical model. We expect it will provide engineering designers with an integrated model to combine check dam design and natural landscape aesthetics for future reference.
