  • 期刊


Application of UAV imagery to analyze Phoenix Valley landslide and landslide dam


堰塞湖溢壩可能演變成潰堤,瞬間大量的土石流沖向下游,對於下流地區造成嚴重二次災害風險。2013年6月2日台灣發生芮氏規模6.3級地震,造成南投縣鳳凰谷鳥園上游南清水溝溪流域內邊坡崩塌,阻礙南清水溝溪形成一天然堰塞壩。為分析此崩塌之堆積土方量及堰塞壩穩定性,評估其對下游住戶之影響性,本研究使用無人載具飛行器(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)拍攝現場照片,以影像基礎建模(Image-Based Modeling, IBM)快速地重構崩塌邊坡與堰塞壩之三維場景模型。研究經線性約制獲得一絕對尺度但為相對坐標系之模型,此模型可計算崩塌土方量及計算無因次阻塞指標(Dimensionless Blockage Index,DBI)以評估壩體穩定性。成果顯示崩塌土方量為136,588 m^3,土石壩DBI值為3.37,屬不穩定的狀態,提供管理單位做後續處置之依據。


UAV IBM 三維模型 壩體穩定度


Landslide dam breaking can be a severe threat to the downstream area because of the damage caused by massive debris flow as a secondary disaster. A magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Taiwan on June 2, 2013, and triggered a landslide, which resulted in the formation of a natural landslide dam in the South Qingshuigou watershed near the Phoenix Valley Bird Park. To efficiently estimate the landslide’s scale and evaluate the landslide dam’s stability, this study used an unmanned aerial vehicle to photograph the landslide scene and employed image-based modeling (IBM) approaches to construct a three-dimensional (3D) model of the landslide scene. This study also performed coordinate transformation using length constraints to obtain a 3D model at an absolute scale. The dimensionless blockage index (DBI) could be calculated for the landslide dam by using spatial information retrieved from the constructed 3D model. The volume of this earthwork was estimated as 136,588 m3, and the DBI of the landslide dam was 3.37, indicating that the landslide dam was unstable. The constructed model provides timely and precise 3D geoinformation and can be used as a reference for aftermath strategizing.


UAV IBM 3D model dimensionless blockage index
