  • 期刊


Constructing Sights of Hong Kong: Nanyang and Shanghai in Liu YiChang's Novels




Focusing on Liu Yichang's novels, this article revisits the identity built by migrant-intellectuals of Hong Kong in the 1950s. Past studies on Liu's works mostly acknowledged his contributions to the building of local identity in Hong Kong's literature, but I propose that his migration experiences in Nanyang and Shanghai also played crucial roles on this issue. As an important figure in Hong Kong literature, Liu's identity shift and the representation of "others" in his writings provided a different imagination of "locality", and opens up further possibilities in the field of Sinophone writing. The first part of my article is an analyzation of Liu's Nanyang narrative. He often used the realism approach to describe the landscape of Nanyang in his early works, and they provided immigrants in both Nanyang and Hong Kong opportunities to immerse in local society. After which, his works became more inclined to comparing Nanyang with Hong Kong, making Nanyang a "Deus ex machine" to the dilemma of Hong Kong, and created an even more exquisite image of Hong Kong at the same time. The second part of this article rereads Liu's masterpiece The Drunkard (酒徒) and will explain his inheritance and transformation of Shanghai's Neo-Sensationism writers. As a new immigrant from Shanghai, the narrator of The Drunkard observes and criticizes the city of Hong Kong using the typical "visual representation" technique by Neo-Sensationism's writers, and then realizes that he had already become part of the city in the process. This change of observation viewpoint had foreseen the identity shift of Hong Kong migrants-intellectuals.


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