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The Definition and Specific Explanations of "Jiafa" in Gongyang Yishu of Chen Li: Taking the Debate between He Xiu and Zheng Xuan as an Example




This study focuses on He Xiu's academic tradition of Gongyang jiafa (Gongyang School) in Gongyang yishu, an annotated edition of Gongyang zhuan with an exegesis written by Chen Li. In addition to a book interpreting Gongyang zhuan, He wrote three other books discussing the differences among three annuals of Chunqiu. Zheng Xuan also wrote three books in order to debate He Xiu. From the specific quotations and explanations of these six books in Gongyang yishu, it can be seen that Chen, who regarded He's Jiafa as the standard for interpretative criteria in his book, relied mainly on He's booklength interpretation of Gongyang zhuan, but supplemented it with material from He's three other books. Chen was not interested in the context of the debate between He and Zheng, and instead just focused on adopting the opinions in He's three books which did not contradict Gongyang jiafa established in He's book interpreting it. Moreover, wherever Zheng's opinion supported Gongyang jiafa, Chen accepted it as further evidence of Jiafa's objectivity and rationality. Though Chen did not devote much discussion to the "three ages theory" (sanshishuo) and the "three essentials and nine regulations" (sanke jiuzhi), which are usually considered the Gongyang jiafa's central theories, his explanations make it obvious that he steadfastly supported Gongyang jiafa. Finally, this paper demonstrates there is still room for further research of the quotations from Confucians in Qing Dynasty in Gongyang yishu.


Gongyang Yishu He Xiu Zheng Xuan Gongyang Jiafa


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