  • 期刊


Writing and Money: How the Contribution Fees changed the Livelihood of Writers in Early 20th Century China


晚清民初,隨著現代報刊與出版業的興起,稿費制度也在中國逐漸建立和完善,在這一過程中,稿費制度一方面適應著中國社會的「文酬」觀念,另一方面也緩慢而深刻地影響著文人「賣文」的心態與謀生的方式。由於稿費往往被認為與傳統的「潤筆」相似,本文首先對「稿費」的性質進行區辨,認為稿費制度與近代報刊出版業的商業競爭、科舉制度的廢除以及戊戌變法後梁啓超等高級知識份子對於小說文體的提倡,有著密切的關係。因此,筆者將以《申報》為中心,爬梳稿費制度建立初期的種種探索和嘗試,探討報刊從「作文者付費刊登作品」到「報刊主動向作者提供報酬」的轉變,直到1902 年梁啟超所辦的《新小說》在創刊號中刊登的徵稿啟事,基本建立起一套完整而明確的稿費形態,即包含「公開徵稿→作者投稿→刊登/出版→付酬」的基本環節。與此同時,書籍出版中的稿酬制度亦處於建立與發展的階段,而其後版稅制度的出現,則為寫作者提供了相對更為穩定的收入保障。最後,本文將進一步以包天笑等人為例,重點探討科舉廢除後,「稿費」在晚清江南一帶文人的經濟生活中所扮演的角色,認為現代稿費制度的出現,成為科舉廢除之際,一部份文人探索謀生出路的契機,促使這些傳統士人向新式文人的身份轉型。


稿費 潤筆 報刊 出版 包天笑


In the late Qing Dynasty, with the rise of modern newspaper and publishing industry, the modern system of contribution fees and royalties was established in China. On the one hand, this system was adapted to the traditional concept in China in its early period, which emphasized that writing are for conveying truth, not for money. On the other hand, it also created a new relationship between writing and money, which slowly but deeply impacted writers' attitudes towards "selling" their works, their way of life, and their literary creation. First, this paper distinguishes the modern contribution fee system and the traditional system of remuneration for writers (Runbi, 潤筆) in ancient time, and presents four parts comprising the modern system of contribution fees to show how literary works were commercialized. The four parts are: "call for works in public", "contribute works ", "publish", and "pay". Second, this paper examines Shen Bao, the first newspaper to pay for literary works in China, and the transition from "writers pay to publish their works" to "writers get paid by publishers". Examination reveals that the modern system of contribution fees was not only based on the traditional pursuit of fame, but also related to business competition in the newspaper industry, as well as abolishment of the Chinese examination system. Finally, the paper explores how system of contribution fees influenced the family economic situation of writers after the traditional examination system was abolished, and concludes that the system afforded a livelihood to a great number of writers in early 20th century, and transformed their economic life.


宋•洪邁:《容齋隨筆》(北京:中華書局,2007 年)。
宋•洪邁:《容齋隨筆容齋續筆》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1978 年)。
冰心:《記事珠》(北京:人民文學出版社,1982 年)。
芮和師等編:《鴛鴦蝴蝶派文學資料》(福州:福建人民出版社,1984 年)。
周作人:《魯迅小說裡的人物》(北京:人民文學出版社,1981 年)。
