  • 期刊


Transitions Processes of Elite Athletes' Re-entry: Same Situation but Different Feelings


本研究之主要目的在於瞭解3位復出優秀運動員之運動生命史,藉以探究其在運動復出後所面臨之困擾因素、因應策略及所得資源間的損益平衡情形,進而檢視我國現行體育政策。研究以半結構式訪談進行,並以Schlossberg轉換模型(1981, 1984)爲分析基礎,研究結果發現:一、影響3位運動員之運動退休因素與職業生涯發展的確定性有關。二、個人、環境與事件等特質要素對運動員的運動生涯轉換適應情形具有影響力。三、運動員在面對復出後的困擾因素時,其選擇的策略包括自我調適以及尋求外在協助。四、目前我國的相關體育政策發展仍有進步空間。本研究建議運動員退休前應對未來生涯進行規劃、生涯轉換中主動尋求協助資源,復出後可善用成熟的心理素質。


Elite athletes leave the competitive sports for various reasons. However, those retired elite athletes were also considered experienced and having mature metal characteristic so that might re-enter to the sport career for other various reasons. This study focused on establishing the sport life-history among those re-entrant athletes, the difficulties and individual coping strategies during transitions, the balance between assets and liabilities, and the support social networks, especially institutional support, used by transitional athletes. Using a life-history approach, 3 re-entrant athletes were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews utilized based on the Schlossberg's transition model (1981, 1984). The results were as follows: 1. The factors made the elite athletes retired were connected with the situations of the elite athletes' future career, and the coaches could affect the elite athletes' re-entry of the sport. However, the re-entry of sport could be seen as extension of ex-sport career. 2. Perception of the particular transition, characteristics of pre-transitions and post-transitions environments, and characteristics of the individuals would affect the transition process. 3. The difficulties which the elite athletes have to deal with after the re-entry of the sport including physiology problems, pressure, lacking of personal time, and communicating problem with coaches or teammates. Three elite athletes' coping strategies included adjusting themselves, looking for support from internal support systems. 4. The institutional support was not enough for helping the elite athletes developing career. Thus, suggestions to the elite athletes are to make career plan before retirement, look for support from institutions actively during the transitions, and use the mature metal characteristic as an advantage. Suggestions to the institution are to care for the athletes actively, provide more diversiform and better support strategies, and establish the professional counseling system.




