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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Cardiac Vascular Diseases Risks in Aged Mice


目的:近年來由於生活品質改善與醫療水準的提升,使得人們的平均年齡增加不少,隨著人口年齡日益增加,高齡化社會所引起的相關醫療議題也愈來愈受到重視;高齡者為罹患心血管疾病的高危險群,過去研究指出有氧運動可降低心血管疾病危險因子,但運動訓練介入對於高齡者存有相當的風險與限制,相對於人體實驗的較高風險與較少干擾因子,動物實驗的遺傳背景同質性較高、生活環境與飲食模式較易控制,可弭補人體實驗的限制,且目前以高齡老化小鼠為主題的相關研究並不多,因此本研究以20 月齡的老化高齡小鼠為材料,探討有氧運動訓練是否會增進高齡小鼠的運動生理功能並降低心血管疾病之危險因子。方法:以20 月齡大的C57BL/6J 與CBA 混種品系小鼠12 隻,進行各項生理數值檢測後,於小鼠22 月齡時,以隨機的方式分成運動組 (每週5 天;每天50 分鐘跑步機訓練;共8 週) 與控制組,觀察小鼠在訓練後的各項生理數值變化,包含基礎代謝率、最大攝氧量、血壓及血液生化值等數據。所測得的實驗數據以SPSS 18.0 統計軟體為工具,以成對樣本T 檢定分析法進行統計分析。結果:與前測比較,運動組小鼠在最大攝氧量、基礎代謝率與高密度脂蛋白維持不變,但控制組皆顯著下降;運動組血液中三酸甘油酯降低,但控制組則維持不變;運動組血壓維持不變,但控制組卻顯著上升。結論:8 週有氧運動訓練可延緩小鼠因老化所引起的基礎代謝率與有氧能力衰退,並可透過穩定血壓與降低血脂減少罹患心血管疾病的危險因子。


Purpose: Today's aging problem has become an important issue in the society, and one of the upcoming problems is brought by the high risk of getting cardiac vascular diseases (CVD) in the elderly. Previous studies show that aerobic exercise can lower the risk of CVD. However, the intervention of exercise training to the elderly is accompanied by certain risks and restrictions. In an animal research model, the homogeneity among test samples regarding genes, environment, and diet is more prominent than that of a human subject research. In addition, few studies have been focusing on the deterioration of aged mice. Consequently, the present study aimed to verify whether aerobic exercise trainings can boost the functionality of exercise physiology and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by conducting an animal experiment on 20-month-old mice. Method: Twelve C57BL/6J-CBA hybrid mice were used to detection biological parameters at the age of 20 months. By the age of 22 months, the mice were randomly divided into two groups, the control group and the exercise group in which the mice are given a treadmill training (50 minutes per day, five days per week, sustained for 8 weeks). Changes in basal metabolic rate, VO2max, blood pressure, and other parameters of blood biochemistry from both groups are then observed after 8 weeks of training. Results: After 8 weeks of training, the basal metabolic rate, VO_2max, and the level of high-density lipoprotein of the control group remain unchanged while those of the control group show perceivable decline. A significant reduction of triglyceride is found in the exercise group while the control group remain unaffected. Furthermore, the blood pressure of the exercise group stay constant after training, but a notable rise is observed from the control group. Conclusion: After 8-week aerobic exercise training were proven in an animal model research to alleviate the deterioration of basal metabolic rate and aerobic fitness caused by aging. It also reduces the risk of getting cardiac diseases by reducing blood lipid as well as blood pressure.


base metabolic rate blood lipid VO2max elderly mice


