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The Relationship among Tourists' Motivation, Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty at Hot Spring Restaurant




The hot spring restaurant combined hot spring, culinary activities and leisure function, which provided tourists multiple values of stress relieving, healthy and gastronomic food and leisure. In Taiwan, the hot spring resources were in abundance and people placed importance on healthy recreation increasingly, therefore the development of quality and quantity at hot spring restaurant will get their popularity day by day. This research was using tourists' motivation, service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of tourists who went to hot spring restaurant to be the empirical topic in Samao Mountain hot spring and dinning area. The research results were as followed: 1. All of the hot spring therapeutic motivation, life stress and anxiety relief was the highest. In leisure and gastronomic food motivation, increasing family and friends' relationship was the highest; the second was to test the special food in hot spring and dinning area. 2. The tourist's pre tour expectation which were the service quality, the facility and environmental quality was higher then others; the expectation of service attitude of hot spring's gastronomic quality was the highest; in the expectation of hot spring, bathing space of hot spring bathing quality was the highest. 3. In the real experience of hot spring restaurant, the facility and comfortable experience of environmental quality were higher; people's service of gastronomic quality was the highest; the hot spring bathing price experience of hot spring bathing experience was the highest. 4. The hot spring restaurant was different with other restaurant because hot spring was the important factor to attract tourist to visit. Therefore, tourist attached great importance to hot spring quality and environmental quality more than the gastronomic food. 5. The tourists' leisure and recreational motivation influenced loyalty by real experience and satisfaction, that demonstrate real experience and satisfaction were the mediator variable to influence the loyalty of the leisure recreational motivation. 6. Real experience not only directly influenced loyalty, but also influenced loyalty by the satisfaction, which revealed satisfaction was the very important mediator variable between real experience to influence loyalty. 7. The pre expectation had directly negative influence to satisfaction, however it directly influence to loyalty, which was not significant. 8. Satisfaction had significantly positive influence to loyalty.




