  • 期刊


A Study on the Satisfaction of College Student in Student Restaurants - As the Sample of National Taipei University of Technology


在現今社會中,由於就學、工作方面等的因素,現代人三餐在外的情況,已經幾乎無法避免。而在外用餐場所相當多元化,該選擇在何處用餐,也就取決於人們對何處用餐場所有著較高的滿意度,滿意度的高低將會影響顧客再次選擇同一件事物的基準。本研究透過混合研究法,採量化為主,質性為輔的研究方式。以國立台北科技大學學生作為研究對象,首先以問卷調查法搭配便利性抽樣方式,進行資料的蒐集,最後有效問卷為355 份,並進行量化資料的分析。之後透過深度訪談法搭配立意抽樣方式,訪談3 位國立台北科技大學學生,以進行質性資料的蒐集與分析。本研究試圖瞭解大專生對於學校學生餐廳之滿意情形,以及不同人口背景的學生對於學生餐廳滿意情形是否有所差異。而研究結果發現:學生整體而言對於學校學生餐廳滿意度之現況趨向滿意,其中不同人口背景變項之學生,在伙食費方面的不同,對於學生餐廳滿意度有著顯著的差異。雖然結果顯示學生對於學生餐廳滿意程度大致偏向正向,但如能更加瞭解並改善,相信應能提供學生更加優良且舒適的用餐環境。


Due to busy school and work schedules, people living in modern societies are increasingly compelled to have meals outside their homes. Dining options are also becoming increasingly diverse. The choice of dining areas is based upon the diners' level of satisfaction. This satisfaction also serves as the standard affecting a customer's likelihood to select the same item again. Mixed methods research was employed in this study, with quantifiable approach used as the primary means and qualitative approach adopted as the supplementary approach. Students of National Taipei University of Technology were selected as research targets. A questionnaire survey combined with convenience sampling was used to collect data that collected 355 effective survey forms that were then used for the analysis of quantitative data. This is followed by in-depth interviews combined with purposive sampling. 3 college students from National Taipei University of Technology were interviewed to collect and analyze qualitative data. This study attempted to assess student satisfaction of the student restaurants and analyze whether the said satisfaction differed according to the students' demographic backgrounds. Results of the study revealed that students generally felt satisfied with the student restaurant. The demographic background variable of meal expenses was also a significant element in the satisfaction of student restaurants. Although the results revealed that students' satisfaction with the campus restaurant tended to be positive, better understanding and improvements will provide students with enhanced and more comfortable dining environments.


