  • 會議論文


Self-completed Ability on College Students' Free Throw Intrinsic Motivation, Task Difficulty, Success/Failure Attribute


本研究的目的為:一、探討成就動機與自覺能力對內在動機是否有影響。二、探討成就動機與自覺能力對工作難度選擇是否有影響。三、探討成就動機與自覺能力對成敗歸因是否有影響。本研究以永達技術學院五專二年級132名男學生為對象。研究工具採成就動機量表、自覺能力量表、內在動機量表、成敗歸因向度量表四種。統計方法為T考驗及獨立樣本二因子變異數分析來驗證所有假設的問題,統計考驗定為α= .05。本研究重要發現:一、成就動機與自覺能力對內在動機的交互作用差異未達顯著水準。二、自覺能力對內在動機的主要效果差異達顯著水準。三、成就動機與自覺能力對工作難度選擇的交互作用差異達顯著水準。四、自覺能力對工作難度選擇的主要效果差異達顯著水準。五、成就動機與自覺能力對因果根源的交互作用差異未達顯著水準。六、成就動機與自覺能力對穩定性的交互作用差異未達顯著水準。七、成就動機與自覺能力對控制性的交互作用差異未達顯著水準。


The purpose of this study were: To search the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on Intrinsic Motivation, Task difficulty choice and the direction of Success/Failure Attribution. There were 132 subjects (male) drawn from YTITC student. The Instrument adopt Achievement Motivation Inventory, Self-completed Ability Inventory, Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, Success /Failure Attribution Inventory. The collected data were analyzed by T-test and two-way ANOVA (independent). The main findings were as follows: 1. the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on Intrinsic Motivation had no interaction. 2. Self-completed Ability had main effect on Intrinsic Motivation. 3. the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on Task difficulty choice had interact ion. 4. Self-completed Ability had main effect on Task difficult choice. 5. the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on the source of cause had no interaction.6. the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on stable ability had no interaction. 7. the effect of Achievement Motivation and Self-completed Ability on control had no interaction.
