  • 期刊


Reconsider Pope Innocent Ⅲ's Position of the Middle Ages


十二、十三世紀之交的教皇英諾森三世(Pope Innocent Ⅲ,1160-1198-1216),被公認為中古世紀最偉大的教宗之一。他標誌著中古時期教皇權力及改革運動的高峰,同時也是一個轉折點-在他之後,教會再無這樣的教宗能和世俗政權對抗。本文旨在透過英諾森三世個人、當時的教會制度、政教關係,及十字軍的性質轉變,分別討論他如何看待教皇的責任,及如何實踐,而當時教會的內在環境,及外在的政治關係又如何影響他的手段和政策。本文在第一章介紹英諾森三世的身世、經歷和宗教制度在此時的發展已臻於完備。接下來兩章分別討論他如何處理其所屬時代的政教關係,以及教會事務:先簡述他在政治上的成就,並敘述他如何運用經濟政策和教皇獨有的權力,來對付皇帝和封建王權君主;第三章注重在他如何控制教會,發動第四次十字軍、還有處理新修會和異端的問題。最後以第四次拉特蘭會議(the Fourth Lateran Council,1215)作為英諾森三世個人及其時代的總結,重新為他在中古史上的地位作一個全面的評估。


Pope Innocent III (1160-1198-1216) was one of the greatest popes in Middle Ages. Who not at the peaks of supreme power and the papacy to confront the civil regimes. After him, there is no such a pope in the church can confront with civil regimes. This essay introduced Innocent III and the complete development of religious system at that time in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, it briefly sketched his political accomplishment and how he used the economic policy and pope's privileged power. In Chapter 3, it emphasized on how he controlled the church, mobilizes the 4th Crusade War, and handles the problems of Franciscan, Dominican, and heterodoxy. Finally, in Chapter 4, it summarizes Pope Innocent III and his times by discussing the 4th Lateran Council.
