  • 期刊


The East Asian Colonial Program of German during Last Nineteenth Century-Focus on the Projects of Searching a Seaport of German


自十九世紀60年代以來,德國即試圖在東亞地區尋找一個港灣以作為海軍基地和殖民地。在首相俾斯麥(Otto von Bismark)主政時期,德國殖民政策具有保守與節制的特點,雖然國內各界對於尋求在華殖民地的呼聲日益增長,但俾斯麥大體上仍持保留的態度。至德皇威廉二世親自執掌外交政策後,開始實行世界政策,並大力推動東亞殖民計畫。中日甲午戰爭後遠東局勢的發展,更助長了德國的野心。外交部與海軍部的籌議之外,商業界、專家學者、天主教會人士與中國德籍顧問的呼籲和建議,也對德國政府決策的形成產生了重要的影響。在經過長期的爭論與權衡之後,選擇膠州灣作為根據地的意見,終於在德國內部達成共識。而德國的世界政策,對於其作為一個新興的歐洲強權而言,雖然具有一定的象徵意義,但其所能獲得的實際成就則相當有限。本文旨在探討德國各界對於在東亞地區建立殖民地的籌議,最後並將論及膠州灣殖民地的經營在德國世界政策中的意義與影響。


Since 1860's, Germany had been searching a seaport in East Asia as naval base or overseas colony. During the era of Bismarck (Otto von Bismark), the Germany colonial policy was conservative and restricted. Although several domestic various communities made their requests for the searching colony in China, Bismarck tended to maintain his conservative stand. It was not until Bismarck resigned, when William II (Willelm II) took charge of the foreign affairs, Germany started to push about the East Asian colonial program enthusiastically. After the Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895, the situation in East Asia favored the Germany ambition is gaining a seaport from China. German foreign office and its navy, combined with enthusiasm from enterprisers, specialists, Catholic Churches, and Chinese Germany advisers supported the German government's East Asian colonial program. As the result of long debates, they finally made a consensus on the choice of spots, agreeing to choose Kiautschou Bay as the navy base in East Asia. To a new European power, the Germany World policy indeed had symbolic meanings, but the actual benefits were limited. The main purpose of this article is to explore the project of searching a seaport for Germany and to re-consider the significance of the occupation of Kiautschou Bay in Germany World policy.
