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Comment on the Dilemma and Cognizance for Emperor-Subject Relationship of the Literati in Han Dynasty from the Discussion on Qu Yuan's Political Choices




漢代 屈原 帝王 知識份子 楚辭


There were many discussions on why ”Chu-Ci” becomes popular in Han Dynasty. However, those studies neglected two details. First, those discussions don't contain the development of Han Dynasty. Second, those discussions are often simplified into dichotomies; only consider emperor and literatus that represent authority and principle separately, but rarely discuss on the interrelationship. This article refers to the studies of senior scholars divides the reason that emperors promote ”Chu-Ci” into three phases. First, emperor loves song of Chu because of the emotion for hometown. Second, emperor assesses subjects with the presentation of ”Li Sao” or selects talent' by praise of ”Chu-Ci”. Third, emperor supports literatus to perform the arrangement of literature and the explanations of sections in ”Chu-Ci” This article probes into how literati have a round of argument about their political choices by discussing the political choices of Qu Yuan in these three different phases. In the process of probe, this article wants to analyze how literati respond to the intention of emperors promote ”Chu-Ci”, and disclose their political dilemma and cognizance for the relationship between emperor and subject in Han Dynasty when they try to interpret the life of Qu Yuan again.


Han Dynasty Qu Yuan Emperor Literatus "Chu-Ci"
