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A Study of Water Gods in "Shui-Jing-Zhu"




水經注 水神 李冰 西門豹 水利 信仰


Water is connected closely to human live and you can see there are also gods of water in Chinese culture. However, because of different regions and rivers in China, the gods of water differs. "Shui-Jing-Zhu" is an important book recording Chinese geography by its beautiful writing, delicate descriptions of the sceneries and opulent information. Written with the myths of Chinese aqueducts and nearby area, the most important part of this book is the stories of water gods. God of water has a great connection between the local region and Chinese belief. Because of spirituality and weather, Wu-Zi-Xu became god of river Qian-Tang, wives of Shun became god of river Xiang. And also because of the floods of Huang He and Changjiang river, more and more jade and people were used as sacrifice to the water gods. However, because of the cruelty, Li-Bing decided to stop the superstitions by complete the water conservancy. He had saved so many and became a hero, a god, and a part of the myth. "Shui-Jing-Zhu" recorded these history and we can see how and why the gods of water were formed, understand how history became myth, and how a folk turned into regional belief.

