  • 期刊


The Buddhist Dharma Lineage in Chinese Society in Late Imperial China


中國的宗族通常主要按照血緣和地緣分類,而本文針對明代以來的佛教寺院組織形態,提出了法緣宗族的概念。即在父系血緣和同鄉地緣之外,師徒法緣也是組織構建人類群體的重要方式。 僧人,一旦出家,便脫離了世俗的家庭和宗族,加入全新的佛教宗族之中。與西方教會科層組織不同,中國佛教寺院組織形態,主要依靠師徒世代相承,這種模式非常類似於中國傳統的宗法制度。筆者主要通過對各房輪值的佛教宗族,以及以傳法為核心的依附式佛教宗族的探討,來研究中國佛教法緣宗族的課題。


法緣宗族 十方叢林 子孫廟 法卷


The Chinese lineage system is generally divided into two categories: kinship and territorial. The author suggests, however, the concept of 'Dharma Lineage' for studies on the organization of Chinese Buddhist monasteries after the Ming Dynasty. The monks, once ordained, have legally broken ties with their mundane family and lineage, and then join in the new Buddhist ties. The organization of a Chinese monastery, unlike the bureaucracy under a church system, attaches great importance to the genealogy between the master and the disciple. This mode is quite similar to the construction of lineage. This article discusses the above topic by analyzing two types of Buddhist Dharma Lineage-the inheritance lineage and the control-subordination lineage.


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