

本研究旨在探討高中(職)教師工作壓力與休閒參與之現況及差異情形,採問卷調查法,以94學年度彰化縣20所公私立高中(職)學校教師為研究對象,以立意抽樣法進行調查,共發出600份問卷,回收475份問卷,有效問卷439份,有效回收率達73.17%。茲將分析結果摘要如下: 不同個人背景變項的高中(職)教師在工作壓力上,以「學校規模」有顯著差異;在「性別」、「年齡」、「任教年資」「最高學歷」、「師範院校畢業」、「婚姻狀況」、「家庭狀況」、「任教科目」、「擔任職務」、「月收入」及「學校性質」部分顯著差異;「居住地」則無顯著差異。不同個人背景變項的高中(職)教師在休閒參與上,以「學校性質」有顯著差異;在「性別」「任教年資」「任教科目」「擔任職務」「月收入」「學校規模」部分顯著差異;「年齡」、「居住地」、「最高學歷」、「師範院校畢業」、「婚姻狀況」及「家庭狀況」無顯著差異。不同工作壓力的高中(職)教師在休閒參與部分,呈現部份負線性相關。


The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between working stress and leisure participation of the teachers at senior (vocational) high schools. The population of the study was the senior (vocational) high school teachers in Taiwan in Changhua County in 2006. The samples consisted of 600 subjects who were selected by judgmental sampling techniques. The total number of usable sets of instrument was 439 and the rate of the usable returned was 73.17%. The results were as follows: (1) There were significant differences between aspects in terms of working stress and on different background variables of senior (vocational) high schools' teachers, especial good at school scale, and partly differences at gender, age, education, seniority of teaching, the school of graduation, marriage condition, family condition, teaching subject, assumption of office, monthly income and the type of schools, but no significant difference at domicile. (2) There were significant differences between aspects in terms of leisure participation and on different background variables of senior (vocational) high schools' teachers, especial good at the type of schools, and partly differences at gender, seniority of teaching, teaching subject, assumption of office, monthly income, school scale, but no significant differences at age, domicile, education, the school of graduation, marriage condition and family condition. (3) The teachers of senior (vocational) high schools with difference working stress have partly negative liner-correlation in leisure participation.
