  • 期刊


Caring Experience of a Terminal Patient with Brain Metastases for Dilemma Dispute in Intensive Care Unit




腦轉移 抉擇衝突 恐懼


This report is based from a nursing experience of caring a lymphoma patient with brain metastases. She lost her consciousness and experienced respiratory failure suddenly. The patient and her family had dilemma in DNR or tracheostomy, and they still prefer to take chemotherapy treatment. During the period of April 5 to 16 in 2013, three nursing problems were identified from caring patient, inspection, consulting with her family, and inspecting medical records. From physical, psychological, and social levels, the nursing problems were confirmed to include ineffective airway clearance, decisional conflict, and fear. During the nursing period, the author assists the patient and her family to make decision by explaining, clarifying and empathizing methods. In order to assist the patient reducing the fear of losing sensory perception and terminal illness, utilizing the psychological nursing method was conducted to soothe patient for a comfortable period towards her end of life. This case was shared for the purpose of a reference when caring for similar case in the future in terms of physical, psychological, and spiritual caring level. As well as the dilemma that patients and their families can possibly encounter.


brain metastases decisional conflict fear


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