  • 期刊


Continuous Care for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury




Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) leads to severe disability, affects patients' mental health, quality of life, and even consumes great extent of social cost. The best management for patients with SCI is seamless integration of units including pre-hospital, emergency, acute hospital, acute post-hospital, post-acute hospital and various units in the community. This integrated care model also contains regular multidisciplinary team meetings, patient-centered comprehensive assessment, and rehabilitation care programs. It allows patients with SCI to continually receive care after returning to the community. The empirical study shows that the integrated continuous care model of SCI can effectively improve patients' functional status and complications, and enhance the social integration and mental health of those patients. The author recommends that all hospitals utilize existing team resources to strengthen patient-centered SCI cross-team meetings, staff to integrate multi-specialty medical team resources, provide employment assessment, consultation and training for patients with SCI, as well as providing relevant education to the main caregivers, design a SCI-QOL system to measure the results of various functions in SCI patients, and therefore develop a comprehensive SCI care plan in Taiwan.


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