  • 期刊


Outlooks for the nurse practitioners' role functions and human resource management




The need for high quality healthcare has been increasing due to an aging population in Taiwan. Moreover, reforms in healthcare insurance policies and the medical education system have resulted in a staffing shortage and a work overload for resident physicians. The demand for physicians cannot be fulfilled in such a short period to come; therefore, a great number of nurse practitioners were recruited by medical centers as temporary workforce substitutes to meet the standards of the medical survey, solve the insufficiency of resident physicians, and save healthcare costs. Due to current changes in the healthcare environment, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has developed and enacted the regulation "Nurse Practitioners Performing Medical Practice under Supervision of Physicians" on January 1, 2016. This regulation expands the scope of practice for nurse practitioners and allows them to perform medical practice legitimately. The expansion of scope of practice and role function of nurse practitioners result in a rapid increase in the demand of nurse practitioners. Currently, existing difficulties and challenges in the daily practice of nurse practitioners still need to be resolved. Therefore, the author attempts to address and analyze the following subjects: roles of nurse practitioner, variance of role function between medical clinicians and nursing practitioners, difficulties and challenges of a dual management model, and the reasonable legitimate workload and scope of practice for nurse practitioners. We hope to bring them up for readers' understanding and attention to the current situation, as well as for the outlook of the role function of nurse practitioners in Taiwan. Furthermore, we can create a better work environment for nurse practitioners to perform their expected role functions and broaden the scope of practice in their specialties.


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