  • 期刊


Reflecting on Advanced Nursing Education in Taiwan - through the Lens of Entrustable Professional Activities


台灣護理專業的發展進程中,建立專科護理師是其中一個重要的里程碑。目前台灣專科護理師的培育仍然主要以短期醫院訓練為主,其甄審資格及學經歷標準皆低於國際上對進階護理師的定義。專科護理師取得執照後在各醫療機構中扮演重要的角色,協助主治醫師提供診療服務,儼然成為取代住院醫師的重要醫療人力。然而,現行的訓練標準是否能培育出有能力勝任各項臨床專業活動的專科護理師,至今尚缺乏具有實證基礎的評估系統。以能力為導向的教育(CBE)已成為今日醫學教育的潮流,學習者通常會有清晰的學習目標或預期達到的能力,強調任務表現或成果的評值,而可信任專業活動(Entrustable Professional Activities,EPAs)則是進行CBE的重要部分。發展台灣專科護理師的核心能力和可信任專業活動,才能審視和改變現行的課程標準,以培養出具專業素養和可被病人和醫療團隊信任的進階護理師。


The establishment of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) is a significant achievement in the development of advanced practice nursing in Taiwan. However, the cultivation of NPs in Taiwan is currently based mainly on short-term hospital-based training, and the education requirements and qualification standards for accreditation are lower than the international standards for advanced practice nurses. While nurse practitioners play a vital role in assisting doctors in providing medical services and have become an important medical manpower in many hospitals, there is a lack of evidence-based accreditation system to evaluate current education and qualification standards. To improve the education and qualification standards of nurse practitioners in Taiwan, it is crucial to adopt competency-based education (CBE), which focuses on the outcomes of performance after completing the education requirements. In CBE, clear objectives are provided to learners to achieve, and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) are an essential component. Establishing core competencies and EPAs for nurse practitioners can help evaluate current education and standards, leading to the cultivation of entrustable advanced practice nurses who provide quality care to patients and contribute to the healthcare system.


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