  • 會議論文

Research on Digital Divides for Web-based Learning



近年來在全球資訊科技持續進步之中,不同的國家、企業、特定族群甚至個人因導入程度之不同而產生資訊科技資源應用與分配不均之情形,稱之爲「數位落差」(Digital Divide)。數位化的學習已是必然的趨勢,惜國內在推動的過程顯然未收預期之效,政府長期以來推動數位化教學不遺餘力,但校園的數位使用仍因環境等因素,導致使用層次不一。本研究旨在各界推動電腦遠距教學之時,更能融入「數位落差」的因素,提升學習者使用網際網路及加強利用資訊的能力與學習成效。




It's very important for people in the 21st-century to use the Internet. The Internet is combined with many activities including economics, entertainments and education. But the new technology is not benefit for everyone during developing career. It depends on what people are, such as gender, race, society position and location they live. Under above reasons make phenomena called ”Digital Divide”. The digital divide is a social issue referring to the differing amount of information between those who have access to the Internet (specially broadband access) and those who do not. People who own the new technology and equipment will be standing good competition, on the contrary, those who without the equipment will not. The government and some researches do their best to make them fair. The study tries to figure out the reasons for the Digital Divide during this competitive period. By reducing ”Digital Divide” will make a fair environment for teaching and learning.
