  • 會議論文


Communications and Proformance Management Analysis of the High School Innovation Competition Using Superconductor for Magnetic Levitation Teams


本研究旨在於分析高中生創意競賽傑出團隊中溝通與績效管理之特性,本研究選取第五屆高中生高溫超導磁浮創意競賽決賽得獎團隊為研究對象,並採用質性研究法,針對文獻探討、決賽團隊之競賽資料、會議記錄以及訪談記錄輔助分析觀察高中生參與高溫超導創意競賽歷程中之團隊溝通與績效管理方面之特性。 本研究主要針對高中生創意競賽團隊溝通以及團隊績效管理兩大部分進行分析,團隊溝通部分針對(一)參與溝通頻率(二)溝通方向(三)溝通形式以及(四)溝通內容進行觀察分析,團隊績效管理部分針對(一)個人特質(Trait)、(二)工作行為(Behaviors)以及(三)產出結果(Out-come and Results)進行探究,瞭解高中生創意團隊在於溝通及績效管理的能力分佈情形。 本研究發現:進入決賽的隊伍(一)較重視團隊開會溝通以及願意付出相當的時間參與討論、(二)團隊成員針對開會主題積極提出想法並且參與討論,並以雙向溝通型態居多、(三)開會議題經過討論後決議一個準備達成的具體目標、(四)能建立良好的開會制度,會議依照制度進行,每次會議能夠依照主要討論題項進行、(五)針對討論主題進行試驗並且有實驗分析結論產出。


This research purport lies in analyzing communaction and proformance management the characteristic of the high school innovation competition using superconductor for magnetic levitation teams. This research choose the high school innovation competition using superconductor for magnetic levitation winning teams for research objects, and using character study method, aimed at conferring to studies, competition data of winning teams, meeting records and interview records to assist analyzing the character of communaction and proformance management of the high school innovation competition using superconductor for magnetic levitation teams' observation. This research aimed at two major parts to analyse to group's communication and performance management mainly of the high school innovation competition using superconductor for magnetic levitation teams , the part of group's communications directs against (1) communication frequencies (2) communication direction (3) communication forms (4) communication contents, the group's performance management Probe into (1) Trait, (2) Behaviors (3) Out-come and Results, to investigate high school student's group lies in the ability of communication and performance management is distributed the situation. In this study: The teams of the finals (1) Relatively pay attention to communications of group's meetings and willing to pay more time and participate in discussing, (2) Group members propose the idea and participate in discussing actively to the theme of the meeting, and mostly two-way communication type, (3) They resolve a concrete goal planned to reach after discussing in meetings, (4) They can set up good meeting system, meetings go on according to the system, they can discuss according to the main questions, (5) They make a experiment by discussing topic and produce experimental analyzing conclusions.
