  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


The Study of Performance Benchmarking of Nursing homes-The Case of Veteran Home of Veterans Affairs Commission


本研究以資料包絡分析法(DEA)探討照護品質對榮家及公設民營安養機構經營效率之影響,另檢定不同安養機構於加入照護品質前後之效率差異,及以Super SBM模型尋求標竿管理,以利榮家未來轉型為「公設民營」之參考依據。研究結果發現:(1)品質變數的加入對於效率值有顯著影響。(2)在加入品質變數之後,榮家公費及公設民營安養機構效率值皆有明顯提升,對榮家自費機構卻無明顯改變。(3)榮家公費機構在整體、技術及規模效率方面均較榮家自費及公設民營安養機構為差。(4)Super SBM模型所找出的標竿單位,值得各安養機構參考學習。


In this study, data envelopment analysis (DEA) of the quality of care for nursing home efficiency effects, and the test by adding the quality of care before and after differences, and the other to Super SBM Model for Benchmarking, to help veterans transition, a reference. Study found that: (1) quality variables significantly affect the efficiency value. (2) by adding the quality variables, the veterans at public expense and public set the value of private nursing homes both increased efficiency, and veterans organizations at their own expense but no obvious change. (3) veterans publicly funded institutions in general, technical and scale efficiency is worse than the other two institutions. (4) Super SBM model to identify the benchmark units, it is worth learning the nursing home for reference.


Veterans homes Public Private Nursing quality DEA Super SBM
