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Applying the Blackboard Learning System to a Mixed-Language Interpreter Training Course: A Taiwan Case Study



本論文旨在探討2010年五位外國學生和五位本地生,與2011年六位外國學生和四位本地學生在臺灣一所科技大學應用外語系研究所上Blackboard Learning System(BLS)為媒介的混合語言口譯課的學習經驗,與教師的教學經驗。使用質的研究方法,研究結果顯示BLS促進本地生和外國學生的口譯學習,Voice of America上的影音資料是理想的教材,但如果是要教授會議口譯,則應使用TED(www.ted.com)上的演講影音資料。外國學口譯時應使用多樣的評量方式,每一種語言至少要有兩位學生,才能相互指正與翻譯。上課時必須有學生在口譯間輪流口譯,以便學習同步口譯。應使用多元的材料當作訓練教材,必須多多給予學生上台口譯的機會。本研究的貢獻在於研發多種評量方法並用,使教師得以評量其聽不懂的外國學生的口譯而不需協同教學。


The goal of this study was to investigate the experience of learning of 5 foreign students and 5 Chinese students in 2010 and 6 foreign students and 4 Taiwanese students in 2011 in a Black Board Learning System (BLS) based non-language specific interpreter training course in the graduate school of applied foreign languages at a university in Taiwan, and the instructor's experience of teaching them. Qualitative research methods were used. The results of the study indicated that the BLS has facilitated interpreter training of foreign students and local students. Training activities should be structured carefully to facilitate digital learning. In terms of materials, the VOA videos and texts proved to be effective in serving as source input for students to interpret into different languages, but videos from TED (www.ted.com) are more relevant for conference interpreter training. This study has significant contribution to the field in that the assessment techniques it developed enabled the trainer to evaluate the interpretation of languages that he did not understand and made it possible to conduct mixed language interpretation training without co-teaching.


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