  • 期刊


Exploring the Characterization of Drink Packaging Design Differentiation from Design Experts' Perspective




飲品包裝 設計差異化 表徵


For consumers facing goods on shop shelves, package design is not mere decoration, but a kind of communication. Package designers need to pay special attention to how to highlight their own goods. This study investigated professional designers' recognition of the use of characterization for different unknown package designs for varied drinks. This study was conducted in three stages. (a) Stage 1, sample collection and picture card fabrication: eight kinds of drink packages were generalized, 110 bottles of drinks were selected based on their popularity in the market, and picture cards were recorded in video for use in the investigation; (b) Stage 2, expert interview: nine experts were invited to this study. Each participated in a one-on-one key questionnaire survey on the use of design characterization in packages for different types of drinks. Each expert was required to detect 110 picture cards. The presentation order of the picture cards was randomized without repetition for each interview; (c) Stage 3, analysis of the characterization of the differentiated designs: the data in this study were numbered and detected using the reliability coefficient by three co-researchers to ensure that the statistical data met standard values. The conclusions of this study are as follows. The experts thought that for most drinks, brand name, illustration, added product information, product name, and bottle shape would be strengthened by package design. However, the characterizations of design differentiation varied with drink type. For instance, the experts thought that the most important design characterizations for tea, coffee, and juice were brand name, illustration, bottle shape, and product name. By contrast, the most important design characterizations for dairy, carbonated products, and sports drinks were brand name, bottle shape, and auxiliary patterns.


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別蓮蒂(2000)。生活型態白皮書:2000 年台灣消費習慣調查報告。台北市:商周。
