  • 會議論文


Re-reading Gong Zizhen And His Love Poetry




靈簫 《己亥雜詩》 「寱詞」 入定 出定


Several intriguing events in Gong Zizhen's (1792-1841) life has already inspired mis-readings (or over-readings) of his poetry, but it was Gong Zizhen's own commentary on his love poetry that has become most problematic. On the one hand, because of its intensity and self-absorption, Gong's love poetry is doubly rich when accompanied with diary-like notes. On the other hand the poet's desire to ”tell more” through the self-commentary often has the paradoxical consequence of leading the reader to more conjectures and hence fictional fabrications.This paper examines Gong's notion of love and the readers' problem of reading Gong by doing a close reading of Gong's love poetry to the courtesasn Lingxiao. One of the conclusions of this paper is that a poet's self-commentary, though extremely effective in literature, can be very dangerous in real life. Burdened by the commentary's evocative power, and filled to bursting with curiosity and imagination, some readers might have ended up writing their own version of what happened. The irony is that Gong Zizhen's original intent was the exact opposite of this: he wrote the selfcommentary in order that later historians could have a clear view of his life. Ironically, it turns out that the poems he so carefully clarified have simply taken on fresh enigmas--they have, in effect, a life of their own.Like many great authors, Gong Zizhen was brought into the canon only after his death. There are layers of ambiguity surrounding Gong that the modern readers have yet to strip away.


