  • 期刊


The Study of the Application of Physical Education in Counseling Dropouts


青少年時期,正處於心理與生理共同發展的時期,此時也稱為風暴期,而此時之青少年正處於我國之義務教育階段,於國中的學生,同時也面臨了生、心理的疾速發展,如果再加上家庭功能的不彰、學校生活不適應等危險因子,學校方面若是缺乏完善輔導與活動介入機制,往往造成青少年產生偏差行為。在危機因子充斥環境成長的青少年,更容易陷入行為違常和心理疾病的雙重危機,進而產生中途輟學或其他偏差行為。運動課程視為諮商輔導或心理發展的工具,是近十年才發展出來的理念。美國Virginia Commonwealth University的Dr.Danish主張運動課程可以教導孩子生活技能。以就學時期的學生,正值身心發展的重要階段,因此學校如可透過校內安排的體育活動課程及課餘的休閒運動課程,提升青少年的運動興趣培養,進而轉化青少年注意力於有意義的休閒運動參與中,改善青少年問題。方法:本研究透過文獻探討,希望能夠在輔導方法多元之學校場域中增加跨科別整合性的輔導觀點。目的:經由體育活動的參與降低學生中輟危險因子及提高保護因子,透過多方的力量導正偏途之學生,提高到校動機與學習興趣,引其導性正途。運動除了有助於青少年正面發展,增進學生個人之身心健康外,亦能幫助中輟生發展出人格教育及學習社交互動與生活技能,並且使其具備良好的情緒EQ控制,也可以透過運動強化生活價值的體認,進而可以享受生命的喜悅,提高對於環境的正面迴響,透過運動競賽的參與獲得同儕及校內教師的肯定,進而產生動機與目標,轉移從事不良行為的機會,如能經由運動升學,相信對於學生更是有莫大的助益。結論與建議:如能夠在學校協助安排中輟生從事多元化之運動活動課程,讓學生在運動中學習、運動中成長,相信對於未來發展,有潛移默化之功,降低學生排斥就學的因素,藉此以降低危險因子,增加保護因子。


中輟生 輔導 體育 危險因子 保護因子


Adolescence, also known as Storm Age, is a period of physiological and psychological development. An adolescent, who studies in junior high school, has deviant behaviors due to the ineffective function of family, disadaptation of school life and the lack of counseling system. The adolescents growing up with the dangerous factors are more easily in the crisis of behavior disobedience and psychological disorder. In advanced, it leads to drop out from schools and other problems. Dr. Danish at Virginia Commonwealth University stated that physical education offers students the opportunity to learn life skills and balance their life and improve their health. Therefore, the school can cultivates teenagers' interest in sports by planning physical education courses and extra-curriculum activities. In this way, it can help them to focus on meaningful activities and improve their problems. Method: this study examines the concept of applying interdisciplinary curriculum in counseling in school by literature review. Secondly, purpose: the participation in physical education decreases the dangerous factors of dropout as well as increases the protective factors, which promotes the motivation of students to attend school. Sports can not only help teenagers develop in an appropriate way, but also educate them the social communication ability and life skills. The teenager can learn how to manage EQ, enhance their cognition of life value through sports competition. Conclusion: If school can arrange dropouts to take part in multiple physical education courses, these adolescents would gain more interests in school activities and this would encourage them to attend school regularly.


全國中輟學生復學輔導資源研究發展中心(2011)。中輟生輔導。2011 年5月31 日,取自﹕http://dropout.heart.net.tw/index.htm


