  • 期刊


Distribution of Phthalate Esters in Sediments at River Mouths and Channel in Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan


本研究主要目的為分析高雄港區沉積物之內分泌干擾物質-鄰苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)的種類、濃度分佈及污染程度,並評估PAEs可能的污染來源及其潛在環境影響,研究過程於高雄港區水域環境設置11個測站並進行沉積物之現場採樣分析。分析項目包括6種PAEs、有機質及粒徑分佈等項目。研究結果顯示,高雄港區沉積物ΣPAE6 濃度介於0.40~34.8 mg/kg之間,平均為6.02 mg/kg,其中鄰苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)(94%)為主要之物種。在空間分佈上,河川出海口的濃度最高(愛河、五船渠及鹽水港溪),顯示污染源主要來自河川上游之都市及工業廢污水。評估港區乾/濕季PAE之濃度分布顯示,濕季時將有利於PAEs在海域環境中的擴散,導致PAEs分布範圍更加廣泛。反之,乾季時將導致PAE累積於港區內。評估生態毒理效應顯示,港區沉積物DEHP濃度約有89%高於環境風險限制值(ERLs),即高雄港區沉積物PAE具有潛在環境生態風險,亦代表港區需建立及執行有效的PAEs管控策略,以改善沉積物品質及避免港區生態環境受此內分泌干擾物質破壞。


Major objectives of this research are to study the species and concentration of phthalate esters (PAEs), an organic endocrine disruptor, in sediments of Kaohsiung harbor, Taiwan. Eleven monitoring stations were installed in the waterways of Kaohsiung harbor to collect sediment samples for analyzing 6 species of PAEs. Results of laboratory analyses show that concentrations of ΣPAE6 in the harbor sediment are between 0.40 and 34.8 mg/kg with an average of 6.02 mg/kg. Among all chemicals, di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is the major species that constitutes 94% of all chemicals found in the sediment. As the spatial distribution of the chemicals is concerned, all rivers (i.e. Love River, Canon River, and Salt River) show the highest concentrations near the month where they discharge into the sea. This indicates that major sources of pollution originate from the upstream municipal and industrial wastewater discharges. Distributions of PAEs during the wet and the dry seasons show that PAEs are more easily disbursed in the receiving water sea environment leading to a wider range of chemical distribution, and hence, most of the chemicals are accumulated in the harbor water channel. The assessment of ecological toxicity indicates concentrations of the 89% DEHP found in the sediment are higher than environmental risk limits (ERLs) implying that the Kaohsiung harbor sediments pose potential risks to the local ecological system. Hence, an effective PAE management and control strategy must be developed and implemented in order to improve the harbor sediment quality, and keep the harbor ecological environment free from the interference of chemicals that interrupts endocrine hormones.
