  • 期刊


The Poetics of Transgression in Posthumanism


本文旨在研究「後人類」(posthumanism)一詞之生成後,其與「人文主義」(humanism)之同異,並進一步衍生「後人類主義」所拓展的多元越界場域。當哈珊(Ihab Hassan,1977)提出「後人類主義」將成文化潛力,而不只是一時趨勢時(843),後人類世代也似乎就此揭開序幕。「後人類」一詞是種希冀超越人類肉身束縛的想望與實踐,也因此「後人類觀」象徵各種越界的可能。當「人觀」尚游移於人、靈之不定時,後人類主義如脫繮之馬,朝多方奔向疆域之外。「後人類觀」遂成為:意象之越界、身體之越界與人性(humanity)之越界。在此種人性、影象、事實、肉身等疆界消解亦交融的境況中,「後人類性」(posthumanity)如雜燴般的大聲喧嘩著。而如同後現代一般,「後人類觀」究竟是導引人類至烏托邦完美樂園的主要徒徑,亦或終究只是樂園的再度喪失,只怕短期內,尚無法蓋棺定論。


後人類 影像/事實 軀體 人性 越界


This paper aims at delving into the development of posthumanism, its similarities and differences with/from humanism and in particular, its transgressive and deterritorial features.The term, posthuman or posthumanism implies the expectation and précis, to an extent, of a kind of escapism from the restraint and limitation of human body and/or mind. In consequence, while humanism still poses most attention on the differences between humanity and soul, posthumanism, regardless of the boundary, is bound for any possibility of transgression.Generally, posthumanism is an attempt of the trespass of the shackle of facts, of body and of humanity. Within the amalgamation and dissemination of various fields, posthumanity seemingly enjoys a new carnival. Whether such heteroglossic condition will lead human beings into a perfect utopia or a re-loss of the paradise, the decision is not yet made.


Posthuman Images/Face Body Humanity Transgression
