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Fruits Production in South-East Asia




果樹生產 東南亞 產期 產量 種植面積 價格 進出口 品種


Confronted with the possible crises after joining GATT, Taiwan has realized the urgency of adjusting fruit tree industry in accordance with the global economic tendency. One of the major tasks would be how to get the correlations between Taiwan and its neghboring countries. Up to the present date, the market of South-East Asia has not been paid enough attention. Thus, a systematic accumulation and further application of market information is essential in order to cope with the future development of Asian market. The main purpose of this article is to give a surrey of some major domestic as well as imported fruits of South-East Asian countries: The Philippines-domestic: coconuts, bananas, mangos, papayas and citrus, imported: citrus, apples, grapes and pears. Thailand-domestic: sweet oranges, mangos, anones, pumelos, longans and coconuts; imported: pears and grapes. Indonesia-domestic: coconuts, bananas, mangos, sweet oranges, papayas and pineapples; imported: pears and grapes. Tropical fruit trees such as durien, mangosteen, jackfruit and rambutan will not be included in the discussions of this article since they have little correlation with domestic fruit industry of Taiwan.

