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Study on the Enhancement of Cut-flower Quality of Gladiolus


提高唐菖蒲切花品質之研究主要包括三大部份:(一)唐菖蒲葉黃化及花品質與施肥關係之探討(二)日長效應對唐菖蒲生育之影響(三)高冷地宿根唐菖蒲栽培示範。唐菖蒲(Gladiolus grandiflora)對於氟之毒性非常敏感,常致使葉片壞疽(necrosis),這種現象到處發生,敏感的品質幾乎每葉罹病,影響切花品質很大。為克服這種栽培上的瓶頸,乃於台中區農業改良場進行一連串的試驗,探討除了來自大氣的HF外,是否有其它重要的致病源,並嚐試尋找解決之道。唐菖蒲在本省週年均可栽培,但夏季所生產的切花品質不佳,種球之生長與木子採收率皆差且高溫多濕,病蟲害多,故夏季種植面積較少,而集中於秋、冬季栽培、然此時期栽培唐菖蒲,許多品種常因日照時數不足且氣溫不穩定,而造成消蕾現象、花序短小、植株生育與切花品質不佳,因此根據上述情形,針對本省主要栽培經濟品系,進行夜間電照處理,以究日長效應在本省冬季栽培唐菖蒲時對其生育之影響,評估並篩選適合電照之品種,以供農民參考。唐菖蒲生育適溫介於10-25˚C間,在本省夏季因高溫多濕,病蟲害發生頻繁,所生的切花品質不佳,種球之發育與木子採收率較差,故夏季平地種植面積少,絕大部分集中於秋、冬季生產。為改善唐菖蒲夏季生產品質,利用高冷地溫差栽培為可行之模式。目前於南投縣仁愛鄉採用宿根栽培方式來生產切花,在連續栽培3年後才掘收挖球,經連續二年調查結果,所生產之切花品質極佳(花梗長度可達130-140公分),而產期約5月底至6月中旬,氣候冷涼病害少,栽培省工且管理方便,此時正值平地無法生產,故經濟價值極高。




The study of the enhancement of cut-flower quality of gladiolus included the following three categories: 1) The relationship of leaf-yellowing and fertilization of gladiolus; 2) Cultivation trial of ratooned gladiolus in highland; 3) Effect of daylength on the growth and development of gladiolus. Gladiolus is very sensitive to fluoride toxicity, resulted in leaf necrosis and plant dying. A series of trials have been carried out to find out the effect of fluoride on plant growth and the resolution to solve this bottleneck in cultivation. Gladiolus is grown all-year round in Taiwan, but the quality of cut-flower in summer season in no good. The growth of corms and cormlets harvesting rate in summer crop is low due to high temperature and humidity. Most of gladiolus cultivation is centralized on fall-winter seasons, but because of shorter day-length and unstable temperature resulted in bud wilting, short flower cluster, bad cut-flower quality etc. The trial of light-breaking at night on commercial cultivars is carried out to evaluate the effect of day-length on growth and development of gladiolus in winter season. In order to enhance the cut-flower quality in summer crop, growing gladiolus in highland areas is a feasible alternative. The trial is conducted at Jen-ai, Nantou County, utilize the ratooned corm to produce cut flower, the corms were harvested after 3 years. Two years investigation results showed that the quality of cut flower is very good (flower stem reached 130-140 cm in length), the production season is ranged from late May to Mid-June. During this time the lowland areas could not produce cut flower, and less disease and easy to management, the cut flower have mare economic value.


